
Welcome to the Child Destiny Foundation FAQs. Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our work, our projects and how you can support us. Our FAQs provide you with a comprehensive overview and help you better understand how you can contribute to improving the living conditions of children with disabilities and their families in Kibera. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Frequently asked Questions…

  • How did the Child Destiny Foundation come about?
  • How can I support if I don't have financial means?
  • What specific services does the Child Destiny Foundation offer?
  • What successes has the Child Destiny Foundation already achieved?
  • Why is the work of the Child Destiny Foundation in Kibera so important?
  • How does the Child Destiny Foundation guarantee the effectiveness of its projects?
  • Why is the stigmatization of children with disabilities a problem in Kibera?
  • What are the biggest challenges for children with disabilities and their families in Kibera?
  • How is the Child Destiny Foundation changing the perception of children with disabilities?
  • Where does the proceeds from the Child Destiny Foundation online store go?

… & our answers:

How did the Child Destiny Foundation come about?

The Child Destiny Foundation has its roots in Claudia's personal experiences and encounters during her volunteer work in Kenya. As an occupational therapist and life and social counselor, Claudia met parents of children with disabilities who faced significant challenges on a daily basis. The parents' vision was to counteract the stigma of disability and create a place where children could develop their potential. These encounters led to the founding of the Child Destiny Foundation in 2013 with the specific goal of improving the living conditions of single mothers and their children with disabilities in the Kibera slum.

The initiative was driven by a deep understanding of the needs of this community, as the founding members are parents of children with disabilities themselves. They knew exactly what actions were needed to bring about a tangible change. To finance the ongoing work and projects in Kenya, Claudia founded a supporting association in Austria in 2014. This association focuses mainly on fundraising and organizing association activities to ensure sustainable funding for the foundation.

How can I support if I don't have financial means?

If you are interested in supporting the Child Destiny Foundation but do not have financial means available, there are many other valuable ways you can help. Here are some ways you can contribute your time and skills:

  1. Become an active member in our team in Austria and regularly support the small volunteer team with your skills. (=active/ regular)
  2. Help with events and fundraising: Get involved in organizing and running fundraising events or other events. Your support can help raise important funds and raise awareness of the Foundation's needs. (=active, irregular/one-off)
  3. Network building and partnerships: Use your professional or personal networks to connect the Foundation with potential donors, sponsors or partners. Establishing connections with relevant organizations or professionals can greatly expand the Foundation's reach and resources. (=passive, unbound)
  4. Participation in the volunteer program: If you have experience in professions such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, physiotherapy, social work or special education, you could apply for a volunteer position of at least three months at the Foundation's day center in Nairobi. This is a direct and effective way to contribute to improving the living conditions of children with disabilities and their families.
    • Public relations and awareness raising: Help spread the Foundation's mission by sharing experiences and stories from the volunteer program in your social networks or local communities. The experiences of former volunteers like Julia can help inspire, inform and motivate others to support.

By getting involved in any of these ways, you can make a significant contribution to supporting the Child Destiny Foundation, even without making a financial contribution.

What specific services does the Child Destiny Foundation offer?

Child Destiny Foundation focuses on improving the living conditions of children with disabilities and their families in the Kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Here are some of the specific services we provide:

  • Day centre for children with disabilities: The center provides daytime care, nutritious meals and specialized support for children with disabilities and their siblings. Here, the children receive therapeutic services, educational opportunities and social interaction in a safe and nurturing environment, while the mostly single mothers can pursue gainful employment in the meantime.
  • Therapeutic services: Specialized professionals create individual therapy programs aimed at improving the physical and cognitive abilities of the children. These therapeutic services are available to children in day care, but also to "outpatient" patients, i.e. children who come to us only for therapy.
  • Support for families: The Foundation offers advice and support for families of children with disabilities. This includes workshops and training courses to help parents better respond to the special needs of their children. On the other hand, families can find psychological advice and support in crisis situations in our Mental Health Center. In emergencies, our families are also helped financially or with benefits in kind (e.g.: help with rebuilding a home after a fire, purchasing a special wheelchair, food packages in difficult situations, support in the event of job loss...)
  • Social integration and community building: Through various activities, the Foundation promotes the social integration of children and the development of a supportive community. This helps to counteract the stigmatization of people with disabilities and their families and to raise awareness of the special living situation in the wider society.
  • Volunteer programs: By inviting local and international volunteers who are experienced in relevant fields, the Foundation strengthens its capacity while providing valuable learning experiences for the volunteers.

These services are designed to provide comprehensive support that includes not only the children but also their families, in order to achieve long-term improvement in their living conditions.

What successes has the Child Destiny Foundation already achieved?

Since its inception, the Child Destiny Foundation has achieved significant successes that have improved the individual living conditions of children and their families as well as contributed to community development in the Kibera slum.

Organic growth and milestones:

The organization has grown organically over the years, always focusing on the current needs of families and within the scope of our possibilities. We have focused on our values ​​- sustainability, goal-orientation, long-termism and equality. Here are some milestones:

  • Continuous expansion of (care) capacities: Through the day center, the Foundation has been able to provide many children with disabilities with a safe and supportive place where they can receive support and free therapeutic services. This has enabled the children to develop important skills and, in some cases, achieve integration into regular schools.
  • Expansion of offers: For example, through the expansion of the Mental Health Center or the planned Sensory Room)
  • Strengthening families: Through educational programs and workshops for parents, the Foundation has been able to counteract the deeply rooted prejudices against people with disabilities in society. By sharing information about the development of disabilities in childhood and the options for supporting these children, the understanding of family members has changed and they are now better able to respond to their children with disabilities. This has also helped to reduce the stigma surrounding disabilities in the community.
  • Building a volunteer network: The successful establishment of an international and local volunteer network has enabled the Foundation to expand its services while raising awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities.
  • Improving the quality of life: Many of the children we care for and their families report a significant improvement in their quality of life thanks to the Foundation's support. This includes both physical and psychological improvements as well as better social integration. For example, Brian, who has learned to walk. Or Jaqueline, who did not respond to being spoken to before she came to us and is now a happy and communicative young woman.
  • Sustainable impact: The Foundation's ongoing efforts have helped create a lasting and sustainable impact in the lives of children and families by not only addressing short-term needs but also pursuing long-term development goals, allowing families to focus on essential needs.

These successes demonstrate how Child Destiny Foundation has been able to bring about positive change in Kibera through targeted interventions and the support of a committed community. It remains a shining example of how targeted assistance and empowerment can lead to real improvements in the lives of the most disadvantaged.

Why is the work of the Child Destiny Foundation in Kibera so important?

The work of the Child Destiny Foundation in Kibera is particularly important and valuable for several reasons:

  • High demand: Kibera, one of the largest slums in Nairobi, Kenya, is characterized by extreme poverty, high population density and inadequate infrastructure. Residents often face challenges such as inadequate access to clean water and nutritious food, sanitation, education and healthcare. These living conditions lead to a higher number of children born with disabilities here. At the same time, children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in such environments as they often have less access to basic services and support.
  • Lack of specialized services: In many developing regions, including parts of Nairobi, there is a significant lack of specialized health and education services for people with disabilities. Child Destiny Foundation provides necessary services such as therapy and specialized care that would otherwise be unavailable or unaffordable in the community.
  • Promoting inclusion and awareness: Guided by the belief that ALL people are equal, the Foundation works to counteract the stigmatization of people with disabilities (and their families). Ignorance and prejudice are countered by role models and empowering (community) education, and people are supported in regaining their self-empowerment.
  • Community empowerment: Everyone has their place in a community. However, due to prejudice or ignorance, some children with disabilities and their families are pushed out of these social networks. The Foundation's work is therefore aimed at the entire community so that these children and their families can regain their place in society.

The work of the Child Destiny Foundation in Kibera is therefore essential to address the most urgent needs of one of the most marginalized groups and to create a foundation for their future and that of their community.

How does the Child Destiny Foundation guarantee the effectiveness of its projects?

The Child Destiny Foundation uses several measures to ensure the effectiveness of its projects and to ensure that the services provided actually improve the quality of life of the children and families they support. Here are some of the key strategies:

  • Needs analysis: Every implementation of a new project is preceded by a needs analysis. The foundation's board consists of a Kenyan couple who themselves have a child with disabilities. Through personal experience and close contact with the local families, they determine the needs that should be met next.
  • Community involvement: The Foundation works closely with the local community, including the children's families, local groups and other stakeholders. This involvement ensures that the projects are accepted and specifically tailored to the cultural and social contexts of the target groups.
  • Building mutual trust: The local families will only be assured of help/support if we can really help to solve their problem. The Foundation also supports them in becoming self-effective.
  • Reflection and analysis: The individual offers and services are evaluated and checked for effectiveness. If the desired result is not achieved, this has led to certain projects being discontinued in the past.
  • Transparent reporting and accountability: The Foundation values ​​transparency with donors, partners and the public. It publishes regular reports and updates on its activities and progress to build trust and provide accountability for the use of funds.
  • Saving costs through administrative and advertising expenses in Austria.

These comprehensive measures help Child Destiny Foundation respond effectively to the needs of children and families in Kibera and create lasting positive change in the community.

Why is the stigmatization of children with disabilities a problem in Kibera?

The stigmatisation of children with disabilities in Kibera, as in many other parts of the world, is a profound problem that affects several dimensions:

  1. Traditional beliefs: In many cultures, disabilities are often misunderstood and associated with superstition or misconceptions. Such beliefs can lead to exclusion and discrimination, as children with disabilities and their mothers are sometimes seen as a burden or a bad omen.
  2. Social isolation: Children with disabilities and their mothers are often excluded from their families and society. The fathers leave the family and leave the entire care of the child to the mother. At the same time, the mother must now also work in order to provide for herself and her child. The child is socially isolated and cannot reach important developmental stages or can only do so at a slower pace. In addition, there is often a lack of childcare options or schools in which the children can be accepted, which further increases social isolation.
  3. Economic impact: Families with children with disabilities may experience additional economic pressure due to stigma. They may become isolated from the community and may find less support in social networks, making it harder to cope with poverty. In addition, children with disabilities often require very expensive and specialized treatments, food or assistive devices (e.g.: specially made armchairs).
  4. Access to education: Due to stigma and discrimination, many children with disabilities do not receive adequate access to education. Schools are often not equipped or willing to accommodate children with special needs, resulting in lower enrollment rates and higher dropout rates among these children.
  5. Health care: Stigma can also affect how and whether children with disabilities receive medical care. Medical treatment for children with disabilities can be complex and requires trained professionals. However, this treatment is often very expensive and unaffordable for families in the Kibera slum. One example is a child who was treated in hospital for pneumonia. However, the child had difficulty swallowing due to the disability and needed pureed food. This special food was not provided in the hospital, which further complicated treatment and affected the child's care.
  6. Psychological effects: Stigma contributes to a negative self-image and affects the self-esteem and mental health of children with disabilities. It reinforces feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, both in the children themselves and in their families.

Organisations like Child Destiny Foundation therefore play a crucial role in advocating for the rights and wellbeing of children with disabilities, providing education and health services, and promoting community awareness and understanding to reduce stigma and promote inclusion.

What are the biggest challenges for children with disabilities and their families in Kibera?

Children with disabilities and their families in Kibera face numerous challenges, exacerbated by both the specific conditions of the slum and the general difficulties associated with disabilities. The main challenges include:

  • Access to medical care: There is a glaring lack of specialised medical services for people with disabilities in Kibera. This includes access to both regular health services and more specialist therapeutic services such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.
  • Access to education: Many schools are not physically or resource-wise prepared to accommodate children with special needs. This means that many children with disabilities have either no or very limited access to education.
  • Poverty and economic constraints: Many families in Kibera live in extreme poverty, meaning the additional costs of caring for and supporting a child with a disability are often difficult to bear. This can limit the provision of necessary supplies, nutrition and medical care.
  • Stigma and discrimination: Children with disabilities and their families often face stigma and discrimination. This can include social isolation, misunderstanding and prejudice within the community, and lack of support from the community and authorities.
  • Lack of infrastructure: The slum often offers inadequate living conditions, which make accessibility and mobility particularly difficult for people with physical disabilities. Unpaved roads, lack of ramps and unsuitable public transport are just some of the infrastructural obstacles.
  • Lack of support services: There is a general lack of support services such as counseling, legal aid and financial assistance that could help families cope with everyday challenges and advocate for the rights of their children.

These challenges require a comprehensive approach that integrates medical, educational, economic and social support to significantly improve the quality of life of children with disabilities in Kibera.

How is the Child Destiny Foundation changing the perception of children with disabilities in Kibera?

The Child Destiny Foundation is actively working to change the perception of children with disabilities in Kibera and is working in several important ways to increase awareness and acceptance in the community:

  • Role models through success stories: The Foundation highlights positive stories and successes of children with disabilities to show what is possible when these children are given the necessary support. Such success stories can be very powerful in changing attitudes and giving hope to other families facing similar challenges.

The Child Destiny Foundation helps improve the social perception of children with disabilities in Kibera by creating an environment of acceptance, understanding and inclusion. They actively work against stigma and promote a culture where all children, regardless of their abilities, are recognized as full and valued members of the community.

Where does the proceeds from the Child Destiny Foundation online store go?

Proceeds from the Child Destiny Foundation online store go directly to supporting their programs and projects. Here are some specific ways these proceeds are used:

  • Financing of the day centre: The funds help to ensure the financing of the day center for children with disabilities. This includes, among other things, the salaries of the therapists, food costs, rent and utilities.
  • Support for therapeutic services: Revenue from the online store is used to provide specialized therapeutic services that are essential to the development and well-being of children.
  • Services offered by the Mental Health Center: The funds are also used for the psychological services offered by our Mental Health Center. Our psychologist offers the mothers of children with disabilities support in crisis situations and, if necessary, psychotherapeutic treatment.
  • Special editions and renewals: Part of the proceeds can also be used for necessary purchases (e.g. special therapy materials) and the renovation of the day center to make it more accessible and safer for children with physical disabilities.

By purchasing products in the Foundation online shop Customers thus directly support the organization's ongoing and special projects aimed at improving the lives of children with disabilities in Kibera and enabling them to have a better future.
