
In Kibera, one of the largest slums in Nairobi, Kenya, Child Destiny Foundation is at the forefront of providing targeted and effective support for children with disabilities. We constantly strive to determine the needs of the children in order to then initiate programs that respond to the children's various needs. An example of our commitment is the introduction of a new therapeutic approach this year: the Sensory Room, based on the principles of sensory integration.

What is Sensory Integration?

Sensory integration refers to the brain's ability to receive, process, and respond to information from our senses. These processes are essential for all learning and behavioral functions and begin before birth. They are fundamental to the development of agency, emotional balance and self-confidence. Sensory integration helps children understand their environment and respond to it safely and effectively.

The Sensory Room: An oasis of sensory experience

The Sensory Room planned for this year will feature a variety of amenities to appeal to children's different senses. These aids are specifically designed to provide sensory stimuli that achieve specific therapeutic effects, such as improving posture, strengthening muscles, and promoting gross and fine motor skills.

The importance of the near and far senses in sensory integration

In the Sensory Room a distinction is made between the near and far senses:

Near sense

The tactile system conveys information through touch and temperature and is essential for emotional development. The vestibular system, responsible for balance, and the proprioceptive system, which provides feedback from muscles, tendons and joints, are crucial for movement control and body awareness.

Far senses

Dazu zählen der Seh-, Hör- und Geruchssinn, die helfen, die Umgebung zu interpretieren und entsprechend zu interagieren.

Future goals and impact of the Sensory Room

With the introduction of the Sensory Room, we strive to not only support children's individual development goals, but also to increase awareness and acceptance within the community. By improving the sensory integration of these children, we hope to increase their independence and ability to participate in school and social life.

The implementation of the Sensory Room in Kibera is a significant step forward in specialized care for children with disabilities. This innovative approach not only provides improved therapeutic support, but also new hope and possibilities for these children and their families, helping them realize their potential and navigate their world more independently.

Update September 2024:
Unser Sensory Room ist eröffnet! Ein strapazierfähiger, langlebiger Bodenbelag und ein frischer Anstrich lassen den Raum in neuem Glanz erstrahlen. Neben Lichtinstallationen, Trampolin, Krabbeltunneln, Stufen und Musikinstrumenten bildet das Laufband ein besonderes Highlight der neuen Ausstattung. Das neue Motorik-Board, ausgestattet mit alltagsrelevanten Gegenständen wie Türgriffen, Riegeln, Lichtschaltern und vielem mehr, unterstützt die Kinder dabei, mehr Selbstständigkeit im Alltag zu erlangen. Die vielfältigen Therapiegeräte eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten für individuelle Therapieformen, die genau auf die Bedürfnisse der Kinder abgestimmt sind!
